You may have noticed that I shifted my pricing to include a sliding scale. After many years of charging a flat rate for my work, I wanted to find a way to acknowledge the additional trainings and certifications I’ve gained since starting out. I’m bringing you a greater depth of skills and resources. The cost of living due to inflation has also increased. So while the pricing you are used to will still be available, I’ve included an upper range. As a practice in making choices (a key of the consent skills I teach), I invite you to choose, from the heart, where within this range you are able and willing to pay. I still offer a reduced rate for those in need by request.
If you find yourself facing challenges in choosing, here is one way to consider it:
For coaching sessions, $150 for a 90 minute session is a sustainable amount for my work. $135 is a discounted amount (if you are only just meeting your own basic financial needs of rent/food/transportation). If you are comfortable in your life and able to have extra above your basic financial needs, I suggest paying higher than the sustainable amount. You help make my work accessible to others! (If you are unable to meet your basic financial needs, please contact me about my limited number of reduced rate slots. Especially for BIPOC, trans/gnc/queer people, people with disabilities).
For bodywork sessions, $200 for a 90 minute session is a sustainable amount for my work. $185 is a discounted amount. If you are in a comfortable place financially, I invite you to pay at a higher rate (beyond $200) to support this scale.
Have questions? Want to talk about embodied ways to wrangle with money? I offer sessions on this, too! Working with money can be hard in similar ways to working with sex/sexuality/pleasure. Many of the skills I can share with you apply and can make your life better. Please be in touch! I love sharing this work with you.
For more on sliding scale and ways and whys of considering it, see this blog post.