Somatic Sex Education
Our bodies are the only home we inhabit every day of our lives, and we are most at home within ourselves when our entire body is engaged. “Somatic” means “of, from or with the body”. When we learn of, from or with the body, our learning deeply affects our wellbeing. Somatic Sex Education can help us heal and enrich our sex lives as we move towards conscious pleasure and greater capacity for joy.
In Somatic Sex Education sessions, we will work at your pace to bring your active awareness to the sensory systems of your body. This embodied awareness brings you closer to the core of your erotic self and creates safe space for somatic learning. My role will be to support you in experiential learning, and offer paths for exploration using somatic guidance through this process. Using movement and breath exercises, touch, sound and focused awareness, you will create new ways to touch, move, experience sensation and connect with desire in your body.