The pandemic has changed so much for all of us and we continue to live through a lot. Some changes are in the making for me and Integrated Eros. One is that I am completing my Facilitator Certification with the School of Consent (I am currently a Facilitator in Training). I’ve worked for many years with Betty Martin’s Wheel of Consent, sharing this transformative model with clients, in dance classes and in workshops. I’m thrilled to be on course to teach this work at a deeper level and to collaborate with colleagues from all over the world.
There are two questions that the Wheel of Consent helps us clarify, in any given interaction: who is it for? and who is doing the action?
These two questions help us untangle the often confusing notions we have around giving and receiving. In that untangling, we can come closer to noticing why we don’t ask for what we want. We can come closer to knowing how to feel in our bodies the tenderness and vulnerability of receiving fully. We can tap into our generosity, our integrity, our gratitude, and our surrender. We can learn to notice our desires and limits. We can learn to trust that our senses are real. We can learn to value ourselves, that it’s ok to want what we want and to be willing or not to do something. We can build skills in communicating those wants and limits. These are gifts of working with the Wheel of Consent.
Some of these practices can be learned with touch, and many can be learned on your own or with non-touch practices.
I will be offering workshops, both online and in-person. As always, I incorporate practices from the Wheel of Consent into coaching and bodywork that I offer to you in sessions. You can take and apply these practices to many places in your life, as you wish.
Want to know more? Interested in bringing some of this practice into your life? I would love to share it with you! Please be in touch.