Enjoy some quality time with your partner and reconnect using the power of touch. You’ll learn basic massage techniques and communication skills so that together you can share in the nurturing, relaxing and therapeutic benefits of massage. We’ll explore non-sexual touch only. A wonderful idea for a gift or date night! We will offer a […]
To register, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/trembling-open-madison-tickets-69335298745 Join Sasha and Z for this presentation about erotic grief ritual. Learn about the lineage of the grief rituals brought to the U.S. by Sobonfu Some of the Dagara Tribe in West Africa. We will reflect on our personal and cultural need for healing and grieving. Inspired by Sobonfu this sacred […]
To register, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/trembling-open-madison-tickets-69335298745 Inspired by Sobonfu Some’s grief rituals of the Dagara Tribe in Burkina Faso, we draw on the wisdom of this culture to address our shared human need to feel and transform grief, pain, disappointment and loss. Our time together includes learning about different forms of grief and eros, sharing what breaks […]